1 miraba, 2.mol.estaba, 3.iba, 4.montaba. (in this order)
yes tell me how I can help u
1.percakapan adalah pembicaraan antara 2 orang atau lebih untuk membahas suatu masalah.
2.perbuatan adalah suatu tindakan yang dilakukan seseorang.
3.Pengakuan adalah sesuatu yang di akui seseorang
Semoga membantu:)
so I've been learning Japanese Its not to hard as people say
I use duolingo as a free app its not the best however but its nice to begin with and then maybe carry on to more professional websites that help with kanji which is by far the hardest
easiest is hiragana you'll memorize that in like a easy week
hiragana has like a evil twin called katakana make sure to know the difference between the two (charts are awesome tools)
I have sticky notes with symbols and words that I look through everyday
I started learning to fast and don't remember everything now so please I suggest like memorizing 5 signs a day than 2 words
The time of the friend has passed the time of "tribulation" and we are at a time when every "tribulation" is losing a friend!
(They wrote sad phrases, I want to shout)