Verb form (ending in -ing) used as an adj : participle
a verb form used as another part of speech : verbal
verb form (ending in - ing) used as a noun : gerund
group of words (no subject and verb) : phrase
verb form preceded by " to " used as noun, adj, or adv : infinitive
phrase beginning with preposition : prepositional phrase
prep. phrase modifying a noun : adjective phrase
participle with complements and modifiers : participle phrase
verb (ending in - ing) with a helping verb : verb phrase ??
prep. phrase modifying a verb, adj, or adverb : adverb phrase
a conjunction that joins words or groups of words : coordinating conjunction
adj. clause essential to meaning of sentence : restrictive clause
verbal (ending in -ing) used as noun : gerund phrase
A because it’s a true fact
They also help him to cope with the untimely deaths of friends and family members. Junior is a good student and, while at Reardan
from the dictionary definition of the Energize, 'energizeing' is spelt wrongly.