Victor assaults his investigations with excitement and, overlooking his public activity and his family far away in Geneva, gains quick ground. Later, Ardently dedicating himself to this work, he ignores everything else; family, companions, studies, and public activity, and becomes progressively pale, desolate, and fixated.
IR is the prefix of irrelevant.
After reading this except from leo tolstoy’s the death of ivan ilyich I've recognized the sentence which shows that ivan ilyich’s daughter, lisa, does not empathize with her father’s suffering almos in the end of the excerpt. I am pretty sure that this sentence best shows what you need.
"it's as if we were to blame! i am sorry for papa, but why should we be tortured?"
I think Romeo truly loves Juliet because when he fount our Juliet was (dead) he was willing to kill himself just to be with her,if you don’t call that true love then idk what it is.
1.The radio was invented by Marconi.
2.A lie wasn't told by me.
3.A car can be lifted by him.
4.More money has to be earned by him.
5.He is invited every year by his friends.