I'd say Re
You're going down on the scale so you'd start backwards I believe. The last note was Mi if you're only counting the spaces, meaning that Re is missing.
It’s great!! i also love how the clothing goes on the people on the pictures it looks very good!
Headings break down a passage into sections, subheadings creates smaller sections within a heading to help the reader more understand the passage.
A blend of 50% blue, and 50% red would get you a color of violet
GOUACHE is watercolor that has been made opaque by adding inert white pigment to it.
Further expounding this, it is commonly diluted with water before being applied to paper. However, Gouache is opaque in its natural state. It becomes translucent when a larger amount of water is used to dilute the paint.
Body colour is the use of opaque colours for highlights or dense flat areas and is a technique which has been used in water colour for centuries.