Johann Gutenberg made the Gutenberg printing press that was used to print books faster and ore efficiently
Before the printing press people were forced to publish books by hand... which as you can imagine would take so much time... and effort (i could never lol)
but yeah he invented the printing press which these days is known as the printer
i really hope this helps
He felt that the Spanish people (of Spain) were undefeatable, and his recklessness lead to the decline and defeat of the Spain. (sad, never be too full of yourself, its a fact.)
It was because he ignored the wishes of the american Admin of Fighting Spain
A. is the only one I can see as correct. Maybe C aswell
I am actually unsure if i am right as my memory is bit fuzzy on this
The world war 2 changed the political alignment and social structure of the globe. Germany invaded Europe in the war by the western allies and soviet union. The peak in the capture of Berlin by soviet troops and the suicide of Adolf hitler and the german “unconditionally surrender”.