Answer:The parallel structure of "he wanted, he intended, he had arranged to weep...." affects its meaning by putting emphasis on the idea that the boss is not experiencing his grief the way he expected....
1. Someone else starts talking
2.change in time
3. small change in setting
4. mood change
This is an example of irony:
Nothing is perfect. This was one of Mrs. Hopewell's favorite sayings. Another was: that is life! And still another, the most important, was: well, other people have their opinions too.
From the excerpt above, we see Mrs. Hopewell adding the name to the girl eventhough the girl feel that it's intrusive and she feel that she got to has a say about it. But despite that, Hopewell's favourite saying is other people have their opinions too.
Montag is a hero since he stole a book, he took a chance with his life to peruse books to the ladies, he fled from the main life he knew so as to spare books.