The author uses metaphor, personification, hyperbole, and onomatopeias as it is explained below.
- A metahpor is used to make readers understand the connection between the two words but doesn't literally make sense. For example: a) You are <u>frozen</u> as the <u>clouds</u>, b) You are <u>far and sweet</u> as <u>the high clouds</u>.
- Personification which means to give human characteristics to inanimate objects, example: I dare <u>touch</u> the rim of<u> your brightness.</u>
- Hyperbole: is an outrageous exaggeration that emphasizes a point. It tends toward the ridiculous or the funny. In this sense, the author states: I <u>leap</u> beyond <u>the winds</u>, For my throat is keen as a sword. Sharpened on a hone of ivory.
- Onomatopoeia. My throat sings the joy of my eyes
Leave no rubs nor botches in the work,” which again indicates the inner conflict and guilt that disturbs him. Shakespeare repeats the use of irony in Scene II when he shows Macbeth hiding his plan of murdering Banquo and Fleance from his wife, who persuaded him to kill Duncan and do whatever it takes to become king.
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