here you go :)
Stratification tells us that the closer something is to the surface, the newer it is. That means that artifacts found deep in the site are older. This helps to provide relative dating for artifacts.
B. The economic ideas expressed in the speech were thought to be
highly popular among likely voters.
The trial of Peter Zenger, a noted publisher in New York, worked to establish the rights of a free press.
Zenger's trial was still fresh in the minds of some of the founders when they worked to push for an Amendment to the Constitution a generation later that expressly gave the press rights.
Gutenberg made the Bible easier to afford and easier to find as well. He made it to where families all across the world could own a Bible, where the education part comes in, to learn about God and grow to someday be the best they possibly can. He changed society by not only printing the Bible, but also by making more of each book, so everyone could have what they wanted.
When Jesus said that he was soon going to be KING, the sinners didn't believe him. So a while after, he was sentenced to be crucified. He was then hung on a cross, he had nails in his hand and feet, and spit upon, and then a crown made of thorns and needles was put on his head. When he died, he was layed behing a stone. Rejected and alone.