1 The Torah -included Law of Moses and traditions
2 Stephen -deacon and first known Christian martyr
3 maccabees -family that won Jewish independence
4 Malachi - lived during Persian Empire
5 Alexander -ruler of Grecian Empire
6 Antiochus Epiphanes - Syrian ruler who persecuted the Jews
7 Philip - deacon-evangelist who preached in Samaria
8 synoptic -means viewed together
9 polytheistic -means worshiping many gods
10 Septuagint - Greek translation of Old Testament Scriptures
11 Sanhedrin -religious council of Jews
The Anti-Federalists argued that the Constitution gave too much power to the federal government, and less power to the states.
This would make the answer “the Constitution would make states less powerful”
The U.S had more nukes but the USSR had more powerfull nuks
An economy that is based on mining or producing raw materials to be used in foreign industries is called an "extractive economy", since it is "extracting" such resources. It can also be called a "resource-based" economy.
Military leader with the real power in Japanese government (instead of the Emperor). This system was established by Minamoto Yoritomo as part of the Bakufu. Military style government set up by Yoritomo Minamoto in which the Shogun, a military leader, is in charge of the government.