Answer: The poem explores the generation gap between a father and a son.
"You Are Old, Father William" is a poem written by Lewis Carroll which is included in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, his book from 1865. The poem is recited by Alice, in Chapter 5.
In this poem, the author presents the generation gap between a veteran and his son.
The son keeps reminding his father of his age, saying <em>"You are old, Father William." </em>His immaturity is reflected in the questions he asks. He asks his father why he does the same things now as he did in youth - for instance, he stands on his head. The father replies that in youth he feared getting hurt, but since he never got injured,<em>"I do it again and again." </em>This demonstrates that<u> older people are wise</u> due to their experience which they rely on. In addition, the theme of generation gap is explored through a different viewpoint, when the son asks how the father eats <em>"the goose with the bones and the beak"</em>, as his <em>"jaws too weak"</em>. Older people are certainly wise, but they also become <u>weak</u> as they age. There are physical boundaries which they face, that prevent them from doing something as needful as eating.