Answer: he thinks that shooting guns is not an appropriate use of talent.
A hint the author gives to help you find a difficult word in a text
I am skilled in several data processing programs such as talon expert and nicro360 - apex
Chaptet 8: It's recess, so Miss Honey goes straight to see the Trunchbull, because she wants to explain what a genius Matilda is.
There's just one problem: the Trunchbull is a scary person. And she's not the most understanding individual in the world. To say the least.
As soon as the conversation starts it's pretty clear that Miss Honey is scared of the Trunchbull, and the Trunchbull will barely let Miss Honey get a word in.
Chapter 9: Unconvinced that Matilda's parents are unaware of how smart Matilda really is, Miss Honey decides to visit her parents between nine and ten o'clock that night to ensure, or guarantee, that Matilda will already be asleep.
Yes because the person who is texting can cause an accident and hurt more than 1 car.drunk driving can cause an accident as well.I've been in that type of situation i know when people are texting and driving when they keep breaking every like five seconds.sometimes out of nowhere they break really hard when a red light goes on wich can cause an accident I think six months in jail will teach them a lesson about put your phone because your life and someone's else matters.