Elite buddhism moved to religion for all the common people, while the court started to share power with high-ranking samurais. The court was open to foreign visitors and merchants from the mainland were equally welcome as the court was very interested in perfumes, books and works of art.
Answer: Confidence interval
A confidence interval is considering one estimated range that is showing values of unknown population mater than after that, estimated range will be calculated. One of the most important things in confidence interval are independent samples which copies are going to be taken repeatedly from the one same population. Confidence interval will do calculation of those samples and then after that there is coming a percentage of intervals.
Jupiters punishment was making the humans ten times more miserable then they were before by giving them cares and diseases.
What motivated Prometheus was the idea of beginning a new golden age and saving mankind.
He should use body language that shows he is listening
Answer: I would have done the same instead
Explanation: My principles and values are above all, and if Mr. Edes did not accept the ads in his term it is because he understands that no amount of money can change what he believes. He is someone who has a defined personality and knows who he really is, just like me. I would not accept money to change my values.