This question is a very open one and i'm not sure what exactly you need to know but you'll need to do a lot of planning. Generally you need to develop an idea of the setting, plot line, characters and the overall meaning or topic of the story. It really helps if you know how you want the story to end so you can create plot twists and use foreshadowing to hint at future events. Most importantly you need creativity and inspiration, write something you think you would read if you were looking for something to enjoy.
120 words? That's a paragraph. You got this.
I will not write this for you when this is something pretty easy to do. You just need to do a tiny bit of research. You can do this. You are capable of doing this. I believe in you.
We need to complete the sentence by filling up the blank space and we are given with two choices, either we choose "won't" or "wo'nt". This problem is a matter of English knowledge and we know that there is no such word as wo'nt so we will not choose this. Therefore, the correct answer is the option "won't" which can be also written as will not, it just the same won't and will not. To complete the sentence, we have it below:
Native plants are kept in check by surrounding community of plants and animals, so the native plants won't be invasive.
Vincent Van Gogh was the most well-known post-impressionist artist born on March 30, 1853, in Groot-Zundert. For him, colors were the symbol of expression. He was a missionary at his young age, who was highly emotional and lacked self-confidence.
Starry Night is one of the famous painting by Van Gogh. Historians say that Van Gogh painted Starry Night when he was in mental hospital. Some theologians try to interpret his Starry Night in religious terms as Van Gogh was also religious. It is said that he painted this picture having a picture of Genesis 37:9 in mind in which Biblical Character Joseph sees a dream,
"Then he dreamed still another dream and told it to his brothers, saying, "Look, I have dreamed another dream. And this time, the sun, the moon, and the eleven stars bowed down to me."
Van Gogh in his painting also paints Eleven stars and the sun and the moon. With this interpretation in my mind Van Gogh made stars accessible in a way that just like Joseph's dream came true at the end of Genesis, one's dreams can also become true if we continue to believe in it despite the situation.