<h2>interest rates are the cost of borrowing money d represent what creditiors earn for lending money. Central banks raise or lower short terms interest rates to ensure stability and liqidity in the economy</h2>
<em><u>M</u></em><em><u>a</u></em><em><u>r</u></em><em><u>k</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>a</u></em><em><u>s</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>b</u></em><em><u>r</u></em><em><u>a</u></em><em><u>i</u></em><em><u>n</u></em><em><u>l</u></em><em><u>i</u></em><em><u>s</u></em><em><u>t</u></em></h3>
Answer: The introduction of barbed wire prevented cattle from walking freely across the plains as they had done in the first half of the 1800s.
Nose piercings originate from india where the wealthy would often jewel themselves up to show their riches
The books were about farming and contruction for building and they were alot of books
Answer: start a revolution and unite under a new constitution