_ C _The small, young puppy enjoys a game of fetch.
__ I __Before class starts, Sara and Jenny likes to practice playing their violins together. (Change likes to like)
_ I _A small toddler in the preschool class refuse to take a nap after lunch. (Change refuse to refuses)
__ C __Each member on the debate team must participate in the final round.
__ I __The flower bouquet smell wonderfully. (Change smell to smells)
Switch the verbs to singular when the subject is singular and switch the verbs to plural when the subjects are plural for the Subject-Verb Agreement.
What is the answer choices?
The ruling I would make on the charge of treason against John Brown, is guilty. Since the belief in transcendentalism is basically to be living on your own and not living under the government many are able to see how this may be illegal and wrong to the government. This also just gives people the opportunity to do whatever they want whether or not it is good or bad. Also, John Brown was convicted of treason due to the murder of five men and inciting a slave insurrection. I understand where John Brown was coming from, in the fact that slavery is wrong and should have been abolished. But there comes a time where we cannot recreate the actions of our enemies to retaliate, we must bring about a peaceful measure to combat these problems or else we become no better than our enemies. Then there was Ralph Waldo Emerson who just so happened to be a transcendentalist. He believed he did not have to live under the government and pay taxes and follow their society rules. He wrote poetry and he was a essayist he led the transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century. I don't think transcendentalism is the answer to our problems with the government, it just makes it seem like we are acting like children and pretending the problem isn't there or choosing to ignore everything around us and act like we live in a bubble. This is why I believe John Brown should be guilty.
i just added more words to help reach the 250 word count :) hope this helps!
Blue light glasses shield your eyes from the damaging blue light from electronic devices like your cell phone or computer screen. There really is no harm in wearing them.
The prince laid himself down on a couch with no pillows, he was upset and thought of what he has to do. He tries to get some food to eat but there were only rotten apples. There was a songbird with him and he takes out his anger on the little bird.