They pushed for laws to discourage immigration or deny political rights to immigrants.
In history, Nativism was a political string that exalted the interests and the rights of the national population over its migrants. It was mainly tied with the embodiment of measures to dominate immigration flows, specially of Chinese immigrants.
The navists employed missions to boycott German and Irish goods, because they did not want to contribute the econimic infrastructure and enlargement of the immigrants.
90% of native residents are Saudi Arabs. Peoples of mixed Asian and African ancestry are the largest native minority, while 33% of all residents are foreign-born
Metacom (1638–1676), also known as Metacomet and by his adopted English name King Philip, was chief to the Wampanoag people and the second son of the sachem Massasoit. He became a chief in 1662 when his brother Wamsutta died shortly after their father Massasoit.
The Haitian people eventually gained independence from France and became the first nation established by former slaves as a result of their struggle. The excesses of that despicable treatment were the very reason for the success of the Haitian Revolution: the treatment of slaves and Mulattoes in Haiti was so terrible that it prompted the most violent and eventually victorious slave insurgency in history. The Haitian Revolution was the first and only slave rebellion that resulted in the creation of a free state governed by non-whites and former slaves, free of slavery. This achievement needs to be remembered as one of history's major transformations in today's culture.
Congressman Jack Kemp was critical of President Ronald Reagan's early economic policies. Kemp felt that there was, under Reagan, an unreasonable tax on labor. Over time, Kemp and Reagan began to see eye to eye on economic issues, and revised the tax code - so it encouraged labor over machinery - in accordance.