He definitely wasn't all there, if you know what I mean
Demonstrate effective learning skills
Fracking shouldn't be allowed to continue. There are many reasons for this and here are some of them:
It has a bigger carbon footprint than Coal.
Drilling into the land causes earthquakes which are a huge safety concern for anyone living near the drilling sites.
People and the environment would suffer from the emissions and the undisclosed chemicals that are leaked back into the potential drinking water and this could harm us and the animals.
This process extracts natural gas from shale and lets out natural gas.
It is ruinous towards economy since road maintenance would cost a lot.
The incorrect verb is highlighted below:
Beneath Puerto-Princesa Subterranean River National Park in the Philippines flow an underground river that empties into the Pacific Ocean.
The correct verb would be:
Beneath Puerto -Princesa Subterranean River National Park in the Philippines <u>flows</u> an underground river that empties into the Pacific Ocean.
The sentence above states facts using the Simple Present Tense. When using that tense, third-person singular verbs must be conjugated to agree with the subject. We can add -s, -es, or -ies, depending on the verb's ending. For example:
- I look - he looks
- You watch - she watches
- They cry - it cries
In the sentence, the subject of the verb "flow" is "river", which is a third-person singular subject (equivalent to "it"). For that reason, "flow" needs to be conjugated, becoming "flows". Notice that the verb "empties" that appears next is properly conjugated in its third-person form to agree with "river", and so should "flow". Therefore, the correct sentence is:
Beneath Puerto -Princesa Subterranean River National Park in the Philippines <u>flows</u> an underground river that empties into the Pacific Ocean.