Impressionism originated with a group of Paris-based artists whose independent exhibitions brought them to prominence during the 1870s and 1880s.
Marat a menudo estaba escribiendo en la bañera y con paños con vinagre en la cabeza porque padecía una enfermedad que le afectaba a la piel y era la forma en que se aliviaba los picores y la irritación.
La muerte de Marat ha sido comparada muchas veces con la escultura de la Piedad de Miguel Ángel, sobre todo por la posición del brazo que cuelga en las dos obras, pero también al Descendimiento de Caravaggio, de quien David era gran admirador, y al Santo entierro de Tiziano.
Cast and drop shadows are another common way to add depth. Reflections work similarly in that a reflection appears on a different surface. The illusion of depth can be increased by making the shadow larger and lighter and further away from the object. Blurring the edges of shadows also increases the illusion of depth.
In this photo, I could see that the woman looks to be deep in thought while two of her children crys on her shoulder. They are wearing very dirty rags. The mother makes me feel sorrow and pity for her children as well as hurt when seeing her children cry. It makes me think about the struggles and adverities we all experience in life as well as what it is like to live in poverty with no one there to help you.