instead of saying Sparrow and Liam exchanged stairs across the library you could instead try saying Liam and Sparrows eyes met from across the room or across the library, or not. I think your story's fine, if you want to make it a few more sentence longer then maybe you can put like a little backstory to why Liam and Sparrow are fighting or not it's your story I'm just you know saying maybe if you want a few more sentences it's something to put.
The NSC enables learners to access to a variety of post-school opportunities depending on their performance in Grade 12. The opportunities include entry-level employment, admission to learnerships and internships, and admission to colleges, universities and other higher education institutions.
I think it is assonance because assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds to create internal rhyming within phrases or sentences
The metaphor is ¨...your life will be a pod with only dried-up beans inside.
The tenor is ¨your life¨
The vehicle is ¨a pod with only dried-up beans inside.¨