The appropriate response is a procedural civil liberty. "Civil liberties" concern essential rights and flexibilities that are ensured either unequivocally distinguished in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, or deciphered during that time by courts and administrators.
Answer: C.In a federal system there is centralized authority, while in a confederal system power is distributed equally among the states.
In a federal system, power is shared by a powerful central government and the state or local governments. States or provinces are given considerable autonomy, usually through their own legislatures, while in a confederation, power is shared by an alliance of independent states, distributed equally among the states. They voluntarily work together for some common purpose and agree to certain limits on their freedom of action. They might sign a treaty or a constitution under which the states agree to defend each other, trade with each other, use a common currency, etc. Membership is usually voluntary & a state can decide to leave at any time.
Response: The events in Rwanda show that genocide can still happen, despite the impact of the Holocaust.
The genocide in Rwanda had arisen out of problems created by colonialism in that country. The Dutch colonial government had favored the Tutsi people over the Hutus. That played into the violence by Hutus against Tutsis when the Hutus came into power in Rwanda. When the genocide began to occur, the international community mostly did nothing. Bill Clinton, who was America's president at the time, refers to inaction toward the Rwanda situation as one of the greatest regrets of his presidency.
The Holocaust was an act of genocide, motivated by racial hatred of a people -- in that case, Jewish people. Similarly, the genocide in Rwanda was motivated by racial and ethnic hatred which had been inflamed by the way that Dutch colonial governors favored one tribal group over another based on a lighter shade of skin color.