1. As you brainstorm, don’t limit yourself to a certain kind of story. List different kinds of narratives. Narratives may be fic
tional or nonfiction and may come from history and biography, from your family, or from your own experience. • List five narratives that have stayed with you long after you heard or read them. Explain why these stories have had lasting relevance for you. • Of the stories you have listed, which are familiar enough to you that you could retell them with confidence and enjoyment? If any would require some research, where could you get this information? • How does each of the stories you have listed relate to your audience? What themes or main ideas could you draw out of each story to make it relevant to your listeners?
This one is a little more of a personal question, a matter of your own opinion. Simply choose 5 stories you liked and why they stayed with you so long.
Example: “ ‘Azathoth’ by H.P. Lovecraft is one of my favorite stories because it made me think of he possibilities of life and our reality. “