b. data entry slows as every INSERT , UPDATE, or DELETE statement must also update every index.
This process help to improve the speed of get data , it takes each element in the indexed column and save the location to get faster the data. But if you index every attribute in a table it going to take a lot of time locating each column in the respective index in each query(update, delete and insert). For that reason is necesary be carefull with this process and only put index in the relevant columns
Step Out
In the field of computer science, the control flow or the flow of control is defined as the order where the individual statements,
or instructions of a program are 
The Step Out control flow program runs to the
and it resumes the
at the statement that it follows.
Check the explanation
The above question can be sovled in the below step by step way:
15 can be written as 16-1 = 24 -1
Therefore, 15 *13 = (24 -1)*13
= 13*24 - 13
Now, when we left shift a number we multiply it by 2k .Where k is no of times we left shifted it.
Therefore, 13*24 = shift 13 to left 4 times
15 * 13 = shift 13 to left 4 times and subtract 13 from it.