No, the actor has a left and a right hand.
There were many spectators at my son's wrestling match
The president Lincoln and his speech on the occasion of dedication of the national cemetery in Gettysburg, pennsylvania november 19 1863, impacted the united states society to nowadays.
The second paragraph is a cleary statement of recognition to the effort of fallen patriots in war but the president highlighted the future work by the nation and the people.
He positioned a proud nation of his army in war and he gave another position to the people that were not brave men like these soldiers.
In summary the lincoln's purpose in paragraph 3 was the recognition of the soldiers and his poetic speech described that purpose very well.
Discrimination in work places/ school. Passing laws that black children cannot wear their natural hair in its natural state because it it seen as too distractive or unprofessional and untamed. Also making rules that black girls cannot wear braids because they “aren’t professional”. Cutting dreads out of little black boys hair because they “aren’t appropriate” or telling them they can’t walk across the stage to receive their diploma unless they cut their dreads off