women work as men women get ejucation to day ejucated women have big hand in the progress of country to day is Mariam muktair who is the first women pailot in history of Pakistan i solut her she gave the wav of Pakistani women to progress for country over the world know that without edjcated women no country succeed
C it is complex sentences
by improving reading and writing skills
A rhetorical device is the use of words in a unique way in order to convince a person, make a meaning clearer, or give rise to emotions.
Examples include alliteration, analepsis, antiphrasis, etc
Understanding rhetorical devices help me as a student by improving reading and writing skills
<span>D. Singer, Ming. Preventing Heart Disease. Boston, MA: McMaster Brothers, 2013. Print.hreats to our health, which of the following sources would be most credible?</span>