the American defeat of the British resulted in gaining a foreign alliance
with the French
the Battles of Saratoga helped persuade the French to recognize American independence and to openly provide military assistance.
It represents powerful and no need of help
The battle of the Marne was a major turning point of World War I. By the end of August 1914, the whole Allied army on the Western Front had been forced into a general retreat back towards Paris. Meanwhile the two main German armies continued through France.
The six extermination camps were Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek and Auschwitz-Birkenau. Auschwitz and Majdanek death camps also used extreme work under starvation conditions in order to kill their prisoners.
Citizen participation refers to the citizens' involvement in their country's government. In an autocracy, there is often very little citizen participation. The power lies solely in the government, most likely in just one person. One example of an autocratic government is a monarchy. In which, the King or Queen holds all the power. Citizen participation is not a priortiy in this form of government. In an oligarchy, a group of people are in control. Usually, this group is a higher/richer class. A democratic government, however, involves more citizen participation than arguably any other government form. In a democratic system, the citizens make most of the important decisions. Presidents, represenatives, law-makers, etc. are all elected by the citizens.