Good time management allows you to accomplish more in a shorter period of time, which leads to more free time, which lets you take advantage of learning opportunities, lowers your stress, and helps you focus, which leads to more career success. :)
Alright, this would't amount to an entire page, but this can be the thesis of the paper. This is how indulgences work: people pay the priests money (or with items) so that their sins will be "forgiven". Basically, the sacrament of confession is paid. The Bible does not instruct us to do things this way. Luther saw this as corruption and based his arguments against the Catholic Church mainly on this concept.
Students who are able to make predictions about a story, based on what they have already read, are also able to become actively involved in the reading process. In making predictions, students use critical thinking and problem solving skills.
The little fox desided to change his happy demener and become mean and surley to his siter and brother. when they laughed at him he snapped back and treated them horrible. after a few days the other sibilongs realized how they did not like to be treated so badly and apollogized to the fox. He forgave them and they were all happy from them on.
alternate ending. but the little fox could not fogive them for he now had darkness in his heart and there lives were miserable.
hope this helps sorry about the spelling