1. In a serious voice, the judge sentenced the teenager to community service.
2. I like to walk on the beach without a care in the world looking for shells.
3. There is a priceless, five thousand year old necklace in a museum.
4. I found a <em>Jimmy Buffet</em> book at a garage sale.
5. In the auditorium, Jason sang railroad folk songs.
6. I pridefully showed my friends my new pet.
7. With a sly smile, mom asked me if I would like a new kitten.
8. Surprisingly, my grandmother finally gave me her secret recipe.
9. Not knowing how to cook, I opted to serve my dinner guests cheese, crackers and peanut butter.
10. There is a neighbor in the new house at the end of the street.
The answer is C. Muskrat is unable to reach the end is what the simile is implying.
Cullen claimed that Hughes' writing focused on American life, but ignored the African heritage of African Americans and believed that this was a disservice. Baldwin, on the other hand, circled the simple language adopted by Hughes in his poems, which, according to Baldwin, presented weak, irrelevant and meaningless agendas.
Cullen, Baldwin and hughes were American writers very committed to the causes of civil rights and the difficulties that African-Americans suffered in a racist and prejudiced American society. Although both authors used the same themes, they approached them in different ways and with different approaches, which meant that they often did not agree with each other's work and form of writing, which generated many literary criticisms from each other.