The civil service examination system was an important vehicle of social mobility in imperial China. ... This curricular uniformity had an extremely powerful effect on Chinese society, and the major impetus for this uniformity was the meritocracy promoted by the civil service examination system.
Mexico has a temperate climate
During the Cuban Missile<span> Crisis, leaders </span>of the U.S.<span> and the </span>Soviet<span> Union engaged in a tense, 13-day political and military standoff in October </span>1962<span> over the installation of </span>nuclear<span>-armed </span>Soviet missiles<span> on </span>Cuba<span>, just 90 miles from </span>U.S.<span> shores. ... Kennedy also secretly agreed to remove </span>U.S. missiles<span> from Turkey.
hope this helped :)
Anatolian Plateau
<span>This generally barren and arid plateau of central Turkey averages about 500 meters in elevation. Farming and livestock raising (the major industries), are difficult occupations here as extreme temperatures, both summer and winter are commonplace.</span>
The answer is Benjamin Franklin