<u><em>English- </em></u>
He, She, You
You all
They, you all
<u><em>Spanish- </em></u>
éL, ella, usted
Vosotros ( only used in spain )
Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes
I hope that helped, conjugation of our verbs in English doesn't often change however it does a lot in spanish. I'd suggest memorizing the common ones that you know you'll use, the verb and the conjugation. The pronouns come naturally. The way I practice is by writing sentences and paragraphs when learning. Each subject pronoun can be used for a different person whether informally or formally.
[ex. Tú vs. Usted
Tú: friend, family member, etc.
Usted: Someone in a position that requires respect]
Cuando Ulises se enfrenta a sus pruebas, usa más cautela que Aquiles. Está tan preocupado por la seguridad de sus hombres y por llegar a casa, que se asegura de pensar en un plan para asegurarse de superar a los monstruos que enfrenta. Aquiles también está preocupado por la seguridad de sus hombres, pero no es tan inteligente como Ulises. Aquiles es un hombre más impulsivo que Ulises. No considera ninguna de las cosas que podrían salir mal, simplemente lo impulsa su deseo de venganza.
When Odysseus is faced with his trials he uses more caution than Achilles. He is so concerned with the safety of his men and making it home, that he makes sure to think out a plan in order to ensure he would make it past the monsters he faced. Achilles is also concerned with the safety of his men, but he is not as clever as Odysseus. Achilles is a more impulsive man than Odysseus. He doesn’t consider any of the things that could go wrong, he is simply driven by his want for revenge.
Estoy haciendo castillos de arena
Estoy buscando por conchas marinas
Estoy tomando sol
Estoy descansando es la silla de playa
Estamos jugando un partido de voleibol en la arena
Which part do you need help with? the whole thing cause if so i can’t see the very top.
Ellos, que sirven a la mesa de los diez, se sintieron estresados por los gritos de los niños a la mesa.