Supporters of urban education frequently make the case that city schools are underfunded. ... In most states, though, spending on education in rich and poor neighborhoods is relatively equal. And in states including Minnesota, New Jersey, and Ohio, city schools regularly outspend their suburban counterparts.
The correct answer is D because the comma is in the correct place and so is the apostrophe and period.
The answer is: It progresses slowly.
In the lines from "Macbeth," the protagonist refers to the slow transition of time with a feeling of despair and hopelessness. In one of Shakespeare's most famous soliloquies, Macbeth expresses the insignificant meaning of life and the monotonous beating of time after learning his wife has died and he is about to lose his power.
Petrarch employs metaphor to express his ideas of unattainable love by comparing his beloved or Laura to natural phenomenon.
Metaphors are frequently used in Petrarchan sonnets to express his ideas of unattainable love. For instance, the metaphor "In a tremendous storm on an unsecured raft" is also used to describe how he feels in response to her passing which shows that he lost his love.
His blason makes extensive use of metaphor and simile, but the sonnet as a whole is littered with them.
The simple facts that unattainable love gives pain, that time may not heal, and most significantly, that our confidence in God can remain constant as our eyes focus upward rather than toward ourselves or others, may then be revealed by Petrarch's use of metaphors in his sonnets.
To learn more about metaphors here