Answer: Physical/Mechanical Weathering
Weathering is the process that breaks down rocks into smaller particles like sediment and soil. Water, ice, acids, salts, plants, animals, and changes in temperature are all agents of weathering. In this case, extreme heat during the day may have caused the rock to expand, only to shrink from the cold of the night. Over time, this weakened the structure of the rock, causing it to split and crumble, with outer layers flaking off in the process known as exfoliation.
It has caused more pollution
artistic techniques.
- Mosaics <u>are the images and pieces of art made out of small fragments of stone, glass, or ceramics. </u>They are glued to the background or held together by plaster. They often decorate walls or floors and have been used since ancient times, both in secular and religious art.
- Frescos <u>are wall paintings done in fresh plaster in order to make them one with the wall background</u>. They have also been done since ancient times, and are crucial to the art of Renaissance and Orthodox Christan churches.
- The sculpture <u>is the type of three-dimensional art of craving and modeling the material into the wished piece of art.</u> It is done in various techniques and materials. It can be attached to the wall (relief) or completely free and unattached (free-standing).
<u>Judging by all the descriptions of these three things, we can conclude that they are all different artistic techniques.</u>