A. They seized goods from British merchant ships
The Cold war has also affected us today by helping the West evade Communist rule; without intervention from The U.S. forces China and The Soviet Union might have conquered Europe and The U.S.. Finally, The Cold War helped form modern day friendships, alliances and hostilities between countries.
Nông dân là lực lượng tham gia đông đảo nhất trong phong trào dân tộc, dân chủ ở Việt Nam đầu thế kỉ XX. Sau chiến tranh thế giới thứ nhất, Pháp thực hiện cuộc khai thác thuộc địa lần thứ hai (1919 - 1929) đã làm cho xã hội Việt Nam có sự biến đổi.
Sputnik I was the world's first ever artificial satellite that launched by the Soviet Union in 1957. This marked the start of the "space age" which pushed the race between the US and the USSR in the field. Because of this "competition", many scientific discoveries were made to study and even travel to outer space.