1. Esta película no es interesante. Nosotras estamos un poco aburridas
2. ¿Son novios Angela y Miguel? Si, ella está enamorada de él.
3. Ahora mismo salimos para el aeropuerto. José, ¿tú estás listo
4. ¡No entiendo nada en la clase de física! Siempre estoy confundido
5. Ahora las ventanas están abiertas
, pero debemos cerrarlas porque hace mucho viento.
6. Después de estar en el avión quince horas, usted debe estar muy cansado. Sí, deseo descansar en el hotel.
Its general sense is action completed, concluded. They are the most used because thanks to it we form two very used periphrases in Spanish: firstly, the one formed by HABER + PARTICIPIO (he, había, hube, habré, habría… amado) with which we formed all the times composed of the conjugation in our language. The second is formed by SER + PARTICIPIO with which we form the passive voice (“La casa fue derruida por el terremoto”).
I would say a person would prefer el metro because a metro is quicker than a bus and doesn't stop each time to pick up more passengers
All the sentences are about pass habits or events that happened in the past.
The sentences are describing habits in the past or activities that started and finished in the past without interruption. For example, if I say - *El cayó al suelo. Iba a ver lo que pasó.- I am saying that I was going to see what happened when suddenly he felt. Is an action that was interrupted by another action in the past.
In the case of the sentences that are describing activities in the past, it is incorrect to say, for example - *Siempre fuimos al lago durante el verano- because it is stating that this year, we also are going to the lake because we always go there during summer. What the sentence is trying to say is that we went there every summer but not anymore.