No. I’m almost sure he didn’t but not 100% sureee
It is a hyperbole that means that the author's eyes were wide with fear.
A hyperbole is an exaggeration to prove a point. For example: "I had a thousand pages of homework." You can't possibly have that much homework; it is exaggerated to show how much homework you have.
A simile is a comparison to another thing using the words "like" or "as." For example: "My pile of homework was as thick as a box."
An oxymoron is using two words together that contradict. For example: "My homework was finished at school." Normally people do homework at home, so it is contradictory(opposite) to do it at school. Another example is "the boiling hot ice." Usually ice is freezing cold, so it is contradictory for it to be hot.
Now that you know these figures of speech, we can answer the question. It's not a simile because it isn't comparing anything with the words "like" or "as." It's not an oxymoron because there is no contradictory statement. So, it is a hyperbole. It is exaggerating how far the person's eyes were sticking out.
I usually tell them thanks for your input even if it really wasn't needed or wanted then I take a deep breath and continue about my day. I could improve by trying to see from their point of view.