defined the workings of market economies and defended principles of liberty
Kepler - discovered the 3 laws of planetary motion.
Newton- discovered law of gravity
Galileo - pioneered tbe scientific method
Bacon - was persecuted for his support of the heliocentric theory
Due to development in every field.
Life under Suleiman I led historians to call this period in the Muslim history the “Golden Age” of the Ottoman empire because in his reign, development occurs in every aspect of life due to his wiser governance. In his reign, the size of the Ottoman empire becomes double due to his wisdom and Hungary was also captured by the Turks. In his reign, the ottoman empire was financially stable and becomes the powerful empire in the whole region.
It is E! Donald Trump had fewer popular votes than Hillary Clinton, and still won the election , because the Electoral College voted him as POTUS.
The king is not the most important piece because it is rarely used, like in the feudal system, where his knights and peasants do most of the work, like knights and pawns on a chess board.
All you need is some knowledge about chess, and feudalism.
In feudal Europe, the monarchy (mainly the king) gave out pieces of land to nobles and aristocrats and taxed them. They would then live in the land, and give it out to knights and peasants. The peasants would be taxed in money and crops in return for the housing and farmland. The knights would generally be given more land, but not by much, and they would protect the land they live on, and if called on by the king, would leave and protect the kingdom. The king got rich, while his pawns worked and died in his name.