Question: Why did republicans storm the capital to try and hurt the senate over an election
U.S Democracy is a Republican Democracy where the EVERY CITZEN is allowed to vote. in Ancient Greece, they have a Direct Democracy where ONLY adult males where permitted to vote, and the people where allowed to make desicions for bills and laws where in the US that is not allowed.
a state that regulates every aspect of citizens’ lives in their best interests
Plato was one of the very famous philosophers His belief was mostly on immortality and the afterlife.His philosophy explored justice, equality and the philosophy of language. He believed that philosophers should rule the world so they are the only ones who should seek true knowledge. by this they should rule based on the knowledge. He discussed every kind of philosophical which he included ethics. He supported that the republic that inspired future western government is the one that regulates every aspect of citizens’ lives in their best interests
Its greatest leaders undoubtedly were Martin Luther and John Calvin.
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