1. En Costa Rica <em>SE HABLA</em> español
2. En las librerías <em>SE VENDEN</em> libros y revistas
3. En los restaurantes <em>SE SIRVE</em> comida
4. En los consultorios <em>SE RECETA</em> medicina
5. En el campo <em>SE VIVE</em> muy bien.
Before answering our exercises we need to understand to what we refer when we talk about impersonal constructions.
We talk about impersonal constructions when the sentence that we produce doesn’t have a determined subject; this implies that we don’t have a “responsible” for the action that is expressed by the conjugated verb.
One way of producing impersonal sentences is by adding the syntactical particle “SE” instead of a substantive. For example:
- <u>SENTENCE WITH A SUBJECT:</u> Las chicas bailan todos los días en el parque (The girls dance everyday in the park)
- <u>IMPERSONAL SENTENCE</u> (without subject): SE baila todos los días en el parque (No-Subject dances everyday in the park).
<h2> Se + Verb conjugated in simple present form. </h2>
Now we have our answers:
1. En Costa Rica <em>SE HABLA</em> español
2. En las librerías <em>SE VENDEN</em> libros y revistas
3. En los restaurantes <em>SE SIRVE</em> comida
4. En los consultorios <em>SE RECETA</em> medicina
5. En el campo <em>SE VIVE</em> muy bien.
Notice how we don’t have a specified subject in any of these sentences and, related to their meaning, all of them can be understood as GENERALITIES or things that occur constantly.