D. Credit card A is the better deal over the course of the first 3 months, but credit card B is the better deal over the course of the first year.
An Introductory rate is low rate given by credit card companies to its clients as an incentive for card application. An introductory APR with a 0% offer simply means that a person is not required to pay interest on his or her purchase for a particular period of time. Introductory APR could last from 6 to 12 months. For the first 3 month, card A (7.6%) offers a better deal than card B(7.9%). Over the course of the year, card B(22.9%) offers a better deal than card A(23.4%)
the similarties are they are both they are both type of teaching
sorry if this is wrong
• To target student scholarships
• Identify students who need more attention
• Reassess curriculum
• Create customized programs for individual students
• Save on operations
unconditioned stimulus
neutral stimulus, unconditioned stimulus
Classical conditioning is the process of linking two stimuli to produce a response. There are 3 phases for classical conditioning:
- Phase 1 (before conditioning): During this phase an unconditioned stimulus is paired to produce an unconditioned response. An unconditioned response naturally triggers a response.
- Phase 2 (During conditioning): This phase involves pairing a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus so that the neutral stimulus becomes the conditioned stimulus. The neutral stimulus does not naturally trigger a response.
- Phase 3 (after condition): In this phase only the conditioned stimulus is presented to produce a conditioned response. The conditioned response triggers a response after pairing with an unconditioned stimulus
People adapt to great plain regions by locating a near by river because of food and shelter around a substantial stable ecosystems. Which allows high survivability ratings.