Las computadoras que existian en el inicio de la informatica y las que existen ahora tenian los mismos componentes. Estos eran CPU, Placa Madre, RAM, HDD, y tarjeta grafica. Lo que si cambio fueron el velocidad y capacidad. Por ejemplo, en el inicio las Tarjetas de RAM venian como DDR a una velocidad maxima de 133 Mhz con una capacidad de entre 4mb y 8mb. Hoy en dia tenes RAM de DDR5 con una velocidad de 4400 Mhz y de 8gb. Mientras que avanzaba el tiempo los componentes de las computadoras aumentaban en velocidad y capacidad aunque el tamaño bajaba o aumentaba dependiendo del gusto del usario.
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EOF stands for End Of File
Google explains it well: EOF is a condition in a computer operating system where no more data can be read from a data source. The data source is usually called a file or stream.
1. Supercomputers
Supercomputers are very expensive and very fast. They are the most powerful computers we have in the world.
Supercomputers are optimized to execute only a small number of programs. This makes it possible for them to execute these few programs at a very high speed. Due to their inhibiting cost, they are used in high-end places like in scientific research centers. The supercomputer consists of thousands of processors, allowing it to clock in at very high speeds measured by petaflops.
These computer types are also very large in size due to the numerous parts and components involved in their design.
A good example of a supercomputer is Tianhe-2, which is located in the National Supercomputer Center in Guangzhou, China. It features 3.12 million cores, allowing it to run at speeds of 33.86 petaflops.
2. Mainframe Computers
These are large and expensive computers that are capable of supporting thousands of users simultaneously. They are mostly used by governments and large organizations for bulk data processing, critical applications, and transaction processing. They are ranked below supercomputers.
3. Minicomputers
Minicomputers are mid-sized computers. In terms of size and power, they are ranked below mainframes. A minicomputer is a multiprocessing system capable of supporting from 4 to about 200 users simultaneously.
The use of the term minicomputer has diminished since the introduction of microprocessors. These machines are now more commonly called midrange computers.
4. Microcomputers
A microcomputer, also known as a personal computer, is designed to be used by one user at a time. The term microcomputer relates to the microprocessor that is used for the purpose of processing data and instruction codes. These are the most common computer types since they are not very expensive