Spam established missions in Georgia in San Pedro de Mocama.
Personaje en la obra Personaje real
El cerdo Napoleón Iósif Stalin
El cerdo Snowball León Trotski
El cerdo Squealer Propaganda de la URSS: periódico Pravda
El caballo Bóxer Dos interpretaciones: Minero Alekséi Stajánov Trabajadores del campo y de las fábricas de la Unión Soviética
Lincoln declared that they would have to accept the amendments and the new government, disband their old confederate government, make sure that former office holders could never go back into politics, and ask for an official pardon from the President of the United States. They also had to free the slaves.
assassination of Archduke Franz
Nationalist groups contributed to the weakening of the Ottoman Empire in eastern Europe, by seeking to throw off Muslim rule It was this pan-Slavic nationalism that inspired the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in June 1914, an event that led directly to the outbreak of World War 1