La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Te puedo ayudar dándote el nombre de algunos pueblos indoeuropeos de donde se desprended una serie de leyendas y cuentos folclóricos que, según se cree, dieron origen a la novela de caballería en la Edad Media. Ellos fueron los Hititas, Armenios, Persas y Kurdos. Se los consideró pueblos Indo Europeos porque habitaban las regiones que hoy son parte de Europa y llegaban hasta la India.
Mucho tiempo después, ya en la Edad Media, hubo dos lugares en donde la nivela de caballería tuvo un apogeo debido a la influencia de los mitos e historias de aquellos pueblos. Nos referimos a Francia y a España. Este género literario se origina en Francia pero llegó a ser más popular en España, y de ahí se expandió a Italia, Portugal, e Inglaterra.
Me kidding
There were three reasons why Civil War broke out in Russia in 1918.
The first reason was that there was bound to be a challenge to the Bolsheviks, who had seized power by a surprise coup d’état. After 1918, their political opponents tried to reverse it. The Bolsheviks had many enemies. One group who wanted to destroy the Bolsheviks were the Social Revolutionaries. At first, they had supported the November Revolution. elections had been held in November 1917 for a new government – the Assembly – in which the Bolsheviks had won 175 seats and the Social Revolutionaries 370 seats. However, when it met in 1918, Lenin used the Red Guards to close the Assembly, and killed anybody who objected. The Social Revolutionaries fought back by attacking the Bolshevik government. The Bolsheviks were also opposed by the Mensheviks (who had controlled the Provisional Government, and who they had toppled from control of the Soviets in September), and by the Tsarists (who wanted to rescue Nicholas II and put him back on the throne). Lenin made peace with Germany (the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, in which Russia had lost much of Russia’s best agricultural and industrial land to Germany, including Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) and the former army officers were angry about this. Also, the Bolshevik government had taken land from the Tsar and the nobles and given it to the peasants, and the civil war was supported by those landlords who had lost their land. All these enemies of the Bolsheviks co-operated to try to bring down the Bolshevik government.
A second cause of the Civil War was the Czech Legion. These were some Czech prisoners of war being taken across Russia who in 1918 mutinied, took control of the Trans-Siberian Railway, and attacked towards Moscow.
Finally, these groups within Russia were helped by the Great Powers, angry that Russia had dropped out of the First World War. They were afraid because the Bolsheviks believed in World Revolution – the Bolsheviks set up the Comintern, led by Zinoviev, which said it would cause communist revolutions all over the world. Consequently, the Allies sent armies to destroy the Bolsheviks – British, American and French armies attacked from Archangel, Ukraine, and Vladivostock.
sakina hassan I know you. you are my class fellow and this is our roundup task.
Explanation: btw i am also finding this questions answer
Generally speaking, "A. the average election results of the President of the United States" would not be considered an example of geography's impact on history, since this has little do with with geography in the United States.
The Helsinki Accords
The Helsinki Accords was an agreement that was signed at the end of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe which 35 European plus the US and Canada signed. The main purpose of the Declaration was to reduce tension between East and West, reducing Cold War tensions.