Answer: It helped bring Romans under one religion.
Explanation: In Rome, the empire had split into 2 parts, the west which was chaotic and the east which turned into the Byzantine empire. In the west, roman Catholic Christianity was used and in the east, Orthodox Christianity was used. Christianity helped Rome not fall apart.
The irruption of Christian worship and faith first created problems and displeasure in imperial Rome. The practice questioned the official Roman cult of the Grecorroman mythology and religions. The old Romans were polytheistic. Christians were persecuted and killed; sending Christians to the circus to be killed and devoured by beasts was a form of repression. After a few centuries, Christians became so numerous that an emperor, Constantine I, issued the Milan Edict allowing for free worshipping in the empire, subjects could freely practice their religion, including Christians. Eventually, Christians became the majority of Roman subjects and some time later, Christianity was made the official religion of the empire.