_ C _The small, young puppy enjoys a game of fetch.
__ I __Before class starts, Sara and Jenny likes to practice playing their violins together. (Change likes to like)
_ I _A small toddler in the preschool class refuse to take a nap after lunch. (Change refuse to refuses)
__ C __Each member on the debate team must participate in the final round.
__ I __The flower bouquet smell wonderfully. (Change smell to smells)
Switch the verbs to singular when the subject is singular and switch the verbs to plural when the subjects are plural for the Subject-Verb Agreement.
Gilbert's relation with his father is strong, though it may be presented as complicated, as his father used to stay away at the sea for the majority of the time.
In the story, "Another Place, Another Time", Gilbert is presented as a young boy, who despises time, as it is time which comes in the way of his father and him. His father stays away at the sea for long and Gilbert has to spend that time just waiting.
When his father dies, he again blames time as he wants all the time back which he spent with his father.
Hence, it is these incidents that represent that he has a strong bond with his father.
Politeness could be both! It could be all good manners, but it also could be good lying. If this isn't what you are looking for, please explain more clearly.