The Spanish-American relations was affected by the yellow press because of the Spanish-American war - that is considered the first “media war”.
The Spanish-American war was fought in 1898 between the US and Spain. It started because of the explosion of USS Maine that was in Havana Harbor and the main issue of the war was Cuba independence.
When the USS Maine exploded “New York Journal” published a story blaming the Spanish for what occurred. The newspaper used eye-catching headlines, sensational stories with the feature of yellow.
This influenced the public’s opinion who demanded intervention and pushed the US to enter the conflict with Spain over Cuba.
The main way in which sermons differ from those of more traditional ministers is that sermons provide more of a "lecture," and speak to a specific topic that the minister feels is important.
When did the Salem witch trials take place?
February 1692 – May 1693
Where did the trials take place?
Salem, Massachusetts
who were the main individuals?
George Burroughs of Wells, John Proctor, George Jacobs, John Willard, Giles Corey and Martha his wife, Rebecca Nurse and Sarah Good, all of Salem aforesaid; Elizabeth Howe of Ipswich; Mary Easty, Sarah Wildes
What were the main events?
Salem Marshal Deputy Samuel Brabrook arrests four-year-old Dorcas Good. March 24, 1692: Corwin and Hathorne examine Rebecca Nurse. March 26, 1692: Hathorne and Corwin interrogate Dorcas. March 28, 1692: Elizabeth Proctor is accused of witchcraft.
When did the trails end?
May 1693
What were the effects?
Changes in the American Legal System
:} hope this helps!!
The Supreme Court was affirming the point that states (not the federal government) should be in charge of the voting procedures in their states.The Supreme Court decision you're referring to, which invalidated pre-clearance conditions, was Shelby County v. Holder (2013). "Pre-clearance" meant that certain states, according to the Voting Rights Acts of 1965, had to get approval in advance from federal authorities for any changes they made to their state regulations regarding voting. That standard had been applied to several states because they had displayed discriminatory practice in their voting laws. The decision in Shelby County v. Holder held that the federal government could not keep applying that requirement on the basis of decades-old data.
I recently posted another answer on Shelby County v. Holder, which you can check out too. Read more on -