In this political cartoon, the author shows Uncle Sam standing on top of the world. This represents how much power that the America received from the Monroe Doctrine and shows their status in relation to the rest of the world.
Answer: which the celebration of the Feast of Toxcatl ended in a massacre of Aztec elites. While Hernán Cortés was in Tenochtitlan, he heard about other Spaniards arriving on the coast – Pánfilo de Narváez had come from Cuba with orders to arrest him – and Cortés was forced to leave the city to fight them. During his absence, Moctezuma asked deputy governor Pedro de Alvarado for permission to celebrate Toxcatl (an Aztec festivity in honor of Tezcatlipoca, one of their main gods). But after the festivities had started, Alvarado interrupted the celebration, killing all the warriors and noblemen who were celebrating inside the Great Temple. The few who managed to escape the massacre by climbing over the walls informed the community of the Spaniards' atrocity.
Probably a or c idk but provably c
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Today, labor unions remain an important part of many modern democratic societies. They continue to fight for the same things that workers did in the Industrial Revolution, and have played a vital role in improving life for workers. ... The Industrial Revolution had a profound impact on the lives of women.