Mis amigos y yo vamos a la playa este fin de semana. El fin de semana pasado fuimos a comprar nuevos trajes de baño. Antes de ir a la playa pasaremos por una tienda y compraremos refrescos y snacks para la playa. Después de que estemos listos para salir de la playa, pasaremos por una heladería y disfrutaremos el resto del día en mi casa.
There is no difference they mean the same.
Lol, glad I'm not going to take Spanish class in high school cuz I'm latin LOL
To surf in the internet without wires, you'll need....
To make vidoes of you're family you can use....
When you go to a website, the first thing that you'll see is...
If someone calls you from your phone and you don't answer, they can leave a message in...
The internet of computers and servers more important of the world (wut .-.) is...
To find the information in the interent you use a...
I translated..hope this helped? xx
Monday, January 30th, 2021
Day of the weekend/Number of the month/Month/Year