Hi Klingelbaugh
Answer choice B) or the second option: Du schimmst nicht gerne is the correct sentence because in English that means You don't like to swim and all the other options are all the same translation and they mean you do not like swimming, so therefore B) is the correct answer because its well punctuated and sounds right.
Practice copying down sentences using words you know. I used to copy poems and it helped a little, but only when it came to writing poetry! You could also find a märchen and copy sentences from that. Sticky notes are my friends! I would put the German word for something (ie: the desk, the lamp, ect) and see those daily. It helped me with der, die, das. Grade wise, I can only encourage you to study and practice writing, reading, and speaking daily. I wish you all the best! Viel Glück!
Did you use acid before you wrote this?
The heavier object has a greater acceleration. The object that has the greater surface area has the lower acceleration. The object that has the smaller mass has the greater acceleration.