Of the list, the best answer is C) Automakers on the verge of collapse. GM, Chrysler and Ford (the Big 3 United States Automotive companies) were bailed out in 2009 following their request for a rescue bailout. This was controversial because, like other corporate bailouts that occurred at the time, the concept of "fairness" felt at best subjective and at worst disregarded. Some companies were rescued while others were not, and the American people did not have the privilege of an enormous bailout.
Some action was taken to insure sub-prime mortgages, and thus to help protect homeowners struggling following the housing crisis, but this was less controversial and also did not happen on such a large and immediate scale.
c: is the Answer
The Equator is the line that sets the middle of the globe. It is set at a latitude of 0 degrees. The extremes are 90 degrees north of the Equator and 90 degrees south of the equator.
The city of Bejing in China is located at 39 °N or 39 degrees north of the Equator. This means it is located in the northern hemisphere of the planet
Answer: there are many forms of communism and fascism (!!!) Italian fascism is not the same as English or Romanian fascism. Differences exist especially in theory, ideology, doctrine. When we move to practice and regime as it works in reality, there are few differences (for example: Communism should be theoretically open to all people without discriminating race....in the USSR Jews were discriminated). So description of differences will be purely theoretical:
1) fascism is born around 1900 whereas Communism came into existence (as a theory) already in 1848 (Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx).
2) Communism has its central authority (Karl Marx)....all the rest is derived from his thought. Fascism lacks that....it is a nebulous plurality of authors, mixture of ideas.
3) Communism is product of Enlightenment (primacy of reason, idea of progress, just society etc.) whereas fascism is a produt of Anti-Enlightenment (irrationalism, primacy of ancestry or race, belief in the soul of nation, sometimes necessity of exceptional leading elite, frequently is linked with some almost religious faith, cult of body, physical strength, very patriarchal, references to Middle Ages).
Explanation: similarities....both were born in times where masses were entering politics and both needs masses. Both preach man of masses. They do not promote individuality, individuality is suppressed.