<span>Robinson projection will be used to examine and compare population densities, using one view of the entire world. This projection depicts the entire world in one view like a flat globe and the latitudes and longitudes as elliptical lines giving a easy way to examine that too accurately.</span>
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Answer: Water, horse and saddle, Wagon, car
What would happen? The ecosystem would remain stable because the red-tailed hawk would be replaced by increasing populations of elf owls as apex consumers. Food web is the network of different food chains operate in any ecosystem. A food chains consists of producer and different consumers. Apex predators (top carnivores) are top consumers. In a given image of food web of a desert ecosystem, red-tailed hawks are an apex consumer. If red-tailed hawks are removed from the given food web, the populations of elf owls will increase due to unavailable their predator and elf owls will become apex consumers and the ecosystem would remain stable.