Sofa (hacer un pastel para la fiesta y miguel (traer un flan. los amigos y parientes de elsa (venir y (traer regalos. el hermano
de elsa no (venir porque (tener que trabajar. su ta mara dolores tampoco (poder venir. cuando elsa abri la puerta, todos gritaron: "?feliz cumplea?os!" y su esposo le (dar un beso. elsa no (saber cmo reaccionar (react. (estar un poco nerviosa al principio, pero pronto sus amigos (poner msica y ella (poder relajarse bailando con su esposo. al final de la fiesta, todos (decir que se divirtieron mucho. [?] a|a ? ? ?
<span>Sofa (make a cake for the party and Miguel) (bring a cake, Elsa 's friends and relatives (to come and (bring gifts) elsa' s brother no (to come because to have to work. When she opened the door, they all shouted, "Happy birthday!" And her husband kissed her (not knowing how to react (being a bit nervous at first, but soon her friends And she (able to relax dancing with her husband. At the end of the party, everyone (say they had a lot of fun. [?] A | a? TRANSLATED</span>